Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Im (currently) Obsessed With....

Hiya! Today, im sharing some things im obsessed with (as you can obviously see in the title).


  • Uma Thurman and Centuries by Fall Out Boy (must listen to)
  • thee one thee only, (drumroll) internet!
  • Minecraft
  • re-reading books
  • buying stuff (and) books
  • staring looking at expensive stuff in the mall

What are you obsessed with?

-xoxo Lizzie 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Blog Button

Hey! I created a blog button! It looks like this:

Just A Girl

Please grab my button or swap with me!!!! Thanks!!!! -xoxo Lizzie

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Hi! Today, I wanted to talk about bullying. Everyone has probably been bullied at least once in their life. It's just stupid and ridiculous. Some people may bully because they may be jealous or just plain mean. I've never really been bullied but I have witnessed someone being bullied. If you have been bullied don't listen to them (if you have been bullied whether physical or verbally I recommend you tell a teacher or a trusted adult). Bullying is just so sad.... IF you are a bully, ask yourself, "why do I bully". That's all I had to say today. Thanks for reading!

-xoxo Lizzie

Monday, July 20, 2015

Who am I????

 Hey!!!!! You may call me Elizabeth or just Lizzie for short (or Liz or Beth). Anyway this is my first blog post on this blog (as you can see). Who am I???? Me???? Im just a 12 year old girl online! So, I will start by telling you guys a little more about me!

  • I absolutely adore books! You: what type of books???? Me: umm.... Harry Potter, Hunger Games....
  • I may be a "bit" weird
  • Im addicted to my laptop
  • My favorite TV show is Jessie (Disney Channel)
  • I read comic books
  • I appreciate that you are reading my post : )

That's just a wee litle bit about me!!!!!! FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to post once a week or more!
Thanks for reading and please comment on what I should post about! Thanks!

-xoxo Lizzie